Postpubertal-Type Teratoma of the Retroperitoneal Space as a Late Recurrence of a Testicular Germ Cell Tumor: A Case Report With Clinical Insight.
Aslanova, Afag, et al. “Postpubertal-Type Teratoma of the Retroperitoneal Space as a Late Recurrence of a Testicular Germ Cell Tumor: A Case Report With Clinical Insight.” Cureus, vol. 16, no. 10, Oct. 2024, p. e71667. EBSCOhost,
Aslanova, A., Ishida, M., Takahashi, R., Suzuki, Y., Arizono, E., Wakabayashi, Y., Ohno, Y., Nagao, T., & Saito, K. (2024). Postpubertal-Type Teratoma of the Retroperitoneal Space as a Late Recurrence of a Testicular Germ Cell Tumor: A Case Report With Clinical Insight. Cureus, 16(10), e71667.
Aslanova, Afag, Masanori Ishida, Reisuke Takahashi, Yutaro Suzuki, Elly Arizono, Yukari Wakabayashi, Yoshio Ohno, Toshitaka Nagao, and Kazuhiro Saito. 2024. “Postpubertal-Type Teratoma of the Retroperitoneal Space as a Late Recurrence of a Testicular Germ Cell Tumor: A Case Report With Clinical Insight.” Cureus 16 (10): e71667. doi:10.7759/cureus.71667.