Effects of zinc in the synthesis of cadmium binding protein in cadmium-treated female rats: the relationship between cadmium binding protein concentration and cadmium-induced liver damage.
Nakamura, K., et al. “Effects of Zinc in the Synthesis of Cadmium Binding Protein in Cadmium-Treated Female Rats: The Relationship between Cadmium Binding Protein Concentration and Cadmium-Induced Liver Damage.” Industrial Health, vol. 20, no. 4, 1982, pp. 347–55. EBSCOhost,
Nakamura, K., Nishiyama, S., Takata, T., Suzuki, E., Sugiura, Y., Mizukoshi, T., Chao, B. Y., & Enzan, H. (1982). Effects of zinc in the synthesis of cadmium binding protein in cadmium-treated female rats: the relationship between cadmium binding protein concentration and cadmium-induced liver damage. Industrial Health, 20(4), 347–355.
Nakamura, K, S Nishiyama, T Takata, E Suzuki, Y Sugiura, T Mizukoshi, B Y Chao, and H Enzan. 1982. “Effects of Zinc in the Synthesis of Cadmium Binding Protein in Cadmium-Treated Female Rats: The Relationship between Cadmium Binding Protein Concentration and Cadmium-Induced Liver Damage.” Industrial Health 20 (4): 347–55. doi:10.2486/indhealth.20.347.