Autoradiographic mapping and characterization of insulin-like growth factor-I receptor binding in human greater saphenous vein.
Sidawy, A. N., et al. “Autoradiographic Mapping and Characterization of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Receptor Binding in Human Greater Saphenous Vein.” Journal of Vascular Surgery, vol. 18, no. 6, Dec. 1993, pp. 947–52. EBSCOhost,
Sidawy, A. N., Hakim, F. S., Neville, R. F., & Korman, L. Y. (1993). Autoradiographic mapping and characterization of insulin-like growth factor-I receptor binding in human greater saphenous vein. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 18(6), 947–952.
Sidawy, A N, F S Hakim, R F Neville, and L Y Korman. 1993. “Autoradiographic Mapping and Characterization of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Receptor Binding in Human Greater Saphenous Vein.” Journal of Vascular Surgery 18 (6): 947–52.