Phenotype of Microsatellite Unstable Colorectal Carcinomas: Well-Differentiated and Focally Mucinous Tumors and the Absence of Dirty Necrosis Correlate With Microsatellite Instability.
Joel K. Greenson, et al. “Phenotype of Microsatellite Unstable Colorectal Carcinomas: Well-Differentiated and Focally Mucinous Tumors and the Absence of Dirty Necrosis Correlate With Microsatellite Instability.” American Journal of Surgical Pathology, vol. 27, no. 5, May 2003, pp. 563–70. EBSCOhost,
Joel K. Greenson, Joseph D. Bonner, Ofer Ben-Yzhak, Hector I. Cohen, Ines Miselevich, Murray B. Resnick, Philippe Trougouboff, Lynn D. Tomsho, Evelyn Kim, Marcelo Low, Ronit Almog, Gad Rennert, & Stephen B. Gruber. (2003). Phenotype of Microsatellite Unstable Colorectal Carcinomas: Well-Differentiated and Focally Mucinous Tumors and the Absence of Dirty Necrosis Correlate With Microsatellite Instability. American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 27(5), 563–570.
Joel K. Greenson, Joseph D. Bonner, Ofer Ben-Yzhak, Hector I. Cohen, Ines Miselevich, Murray B. Resnick, Philippe Trougouboff, et al. 2003. “Phenotype of Microsatellite Unstable Colorectal Carcinomas: Well-Differentiated and Focally Mucinous Tumors and the Absence of Dirty Necrosis Correlate With Microsatellite Instability.” American Journal of Surgical Pathology 27 (5): 563–70. doi:10.1097/00000478-200305000-00001.