The Cek1‑mediated MAP kinase pathway regulates exposure of α‑1,2 and β‑1,2‑mannosides in the cell wall of Candida albicans modulating immune recognition.
Román, E., et al. “The Cek1‑mediated MAP Kinase Pathway Regulates Exposure of Α‑1,2 and Β‑1,2‑mannosides in the Cell Wall of Candida Albicans Modulating Immune Recognition.” Virulence, vol. 7, no. 5, July 2016, pp. 558–77. EBSCOhost,
Román, E., Correia, I., Salazin, A., Fradin, C., Jouault, T., Poulain, D., Liu, F.-T., & Pla, J. (2016). The Cek1‑mediated MAP kinase pathway regulates exposure of α‑1,2 and β‑1,2‑mannosides in the cell wall of Candida albicans modulating immune recognition. Virulence, 7(5), 558–577.
Román, E., I. Correia, A. Salazin, C. Fradin, T. Jouault, D. Poulain, F.-T. Liu, and J. Pla. 2016. “The Cek1‑mediated MAP Kinase Pathway Regulates Exposure of Α‑1,2 and Β‑1,2‑mannosides in the Cell Wall of Candida Albicans Modulating Immune Recognition.” Virulence 7 (5): 558–77. doi:10.1080/21505594.2016.1163458.