Streamwater nutrients stimulate respiration and breakdown of standardized detrital substrates across a landscape gradient: Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon quality.
Usher, Rachel L., et al. “Streamwater Nutrients Stimulate Respiration and Breakdown of Standardized Detrital Substrates across a Landscape Gradient: Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Carbon Quality.” Freshwater Science, vol. 39, no. 1, Mar. 2020, pp. 101–14. EBSCOhost,
Usher, R. L., Wood, J., Bumpers, P. M., Wenger, S. J., & Rosemond, A. D. (2020). Streamwater nutrients stimulate respiration and breakdown of standardized detrital substrates across a landscape gradient: Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon quality. Freshwater Science, 39(1), 101–114.
Usher, Rachel L., James Wood, Phillip M. Bumpers, Seth J. Wenger, and Amy D. Rosemond. 2020. “Streamwater Nutrients Stimulate Respiration and Breakdown of Standardized Detrital Substrates across a Landscape Gradient: Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Carbon Quality.” Freshwater Science 39 (1): 101–14. doi:10.1086/707598.