Climate indices in historical climate reconstructions: A global state-of-the-art.
Nash, David J., et al. “Climate Indices in Historical Climate Reconstructions: A Global State-of-the-Art.” Climate of the Past Discussions, Oct. 2020, pp. 1–48. EBSCOhost,
Nash, D. J., Adamson, G. C. D., Ashcroft, L., Bauch, M., Camenisch, C., Degroot, D., Gergis, J., Jusopovic, A., Labbé, T., Lin, K.-H. E., Nicholson, S. D., Qing Pei, Prieto, M. del R., Rack, U., Rojas, F., & White, S. (2020). Climate indices in historical climate reconstructions: A global state-of-the-art. Climate of the Past Discussions, 1–48.
Nash, David J., George C. D. Adamson, Linden Ashcroft, Martin Bauch, Chantal Camenisch, Dagomar Degroot, Joelle Gergis, et al. 2020. “Climate Indices in Historical Climate Reconstructions: A Global State-of-the-Art.” Climate of the Past Discussions, October, 1–48. doi:10.5194/cp-2020-126.