Selenium/Chitosan-Folic Acid Metal Complex Ameliorates Hepatic Damage and Oxidative Injury in Male Rats Exposed to Sodium Fluoride.
El-Megharbel, Samy M., et al. “Selenium/Chitosan-Folic Acid Metal Complex Ameliorates Hepatic Damage and Oxidative Injury in Male Rats Exposed to Sodium Fluoride.” Crystals (2073-4352), vol. 11, no. 11, Nov. 2021, p. 1354. EBSCOhost,
El-Megharbel, S. M., Al-Salmi, F. A., Refat, M. S., & Hamza, R. Z. (2021). Selenium/Chitosan-Folic Acid Metal Complex Ameliorates Hepatic Damage and Oxidative Injury in Male Rats Exposed to Sodium Fluoride. Crystals (2073-4352), 11(11), 1354.
El-Megharbel, Samy M., Fawziah A. Al-Salmi, Moamen S. Refat, and Reham Z. Hamza. 2021. “Selenium/Chitosan-Folic Acid Metal Complex Ameliorates Hepatic Damage and Oxidative Injury in Male Rats Exposed to Sodium Fluoride.” Crystals (2073-4352) 11 (11): 1354. doi:10.3390/cryst11111354.