Effect of dental trauma management resources on dental practitioners' confidence and knowledge: A pilot cross‐sectional study.
Matoug, Elwerfelli, Manal, et al. “Effect of Dental Trauma Management Resources on Dental Practitioners’ Confidence and Knowledge: A Pilot Cross‐sectional Study.” Dental Traumatology, vol. 38, no. 5, Oct. 2022, pp. 381–90. EBSCOhost,
Matoug, E. M., Sim, Y. F., Alghutaimel, H., Almohareb, R., Al, A. J., Al, K. J., Shahda, M., El Shahawy, O., Bacho, R., Al Harrasi, S., Twati, W., Duggal, M., Nazzal, H., & Tong, H. J. (2022). Effect of dental trauma management resources on dental practitioners’ confidence and knowledge: A pilot cross‐sectional study. Dental Traumatology, 38(5), 381–390.
Matoug, Elwerfelli, Manal, Yu Fan Sim, Hayat Alghutaimel, Rahaf Almohareb, Abdulla, Jamal Al, Kandari, Jarrah Al, Mohamad Shahda, et al. 2022. “Effect of Dental Trauma Management Resources on Dental Practitioners’ Confidence and Knowledge: A Pilot Cross‐sectional Study.” Dental Traumatology 38 (5): 381–90. doi:10.1111/edt.12754.