Rosuvastatin Counteracts Vessel Arterialisation and Sinusoid Capillarisation, Reduces Tumour Growth, and Prolongs Survival in Murine Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Tijeras-Raballand, Annemilaï, et al. “Rosuvastatin Counteracts Vessel Arterialisation and Sinusoid Capillarisation, Reduces Tumour Growth, and Prolongs Survival in Murine Hepatocellular Carcinoma.” Gastroenterology Research & Practice, vol. 2010, Jan. 2010, pp. 1–15. EBSCOhost,
Tijeras-Raballand, A., Hainaud-Hakim, P., Contreres, J.-O., Gest, C., Le Henaff, C., Levy, B. I., Pocard, M., Soria, C., & Dupuy, E. (2010). Rosuvastatin Counteracts Vessel Arterialisation and Sinusoid Capillarisation, Reduces Tumour Growth, and Prolongs Survival in Murine Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Gastroenterology Research & Practice, 2010, 1–15.
Tijeras-Raballand, Annemilaï, Patricia Hainaud-Hakim, Jean-Olivier Contreres, Caroline Gest, Carole Le Henaff, Bernard I. Levy, Marc Pocard, Claudine Soria, and Evelyne Dupuy. 2010. “Rosuvastatin Counteracts Vessel Arterialisation and Sinusoid Capillarisation, Reduces Tumour Growth, and Prolongs Survival in Murine Hepatocellular Carcinoma.” Gastroenterology Research & Practice 2010 (January): 1–15. doi:10.1155/2010/640797.