Feasibility of hemispatial neglect rehabilitation with virtual reality-based visual exploration therapy among patients with stroke: randomised controlled trial.
Joon-Ho Shin, et al. “Feasibility of Hemispatial Neglect Rehabilitation with Virtual Reality-Based Visual Exploration Therapy among Patients with Stroke: Randomised Controlled Trial.” Frontiers in Neuroscience, May 2023, pp. 1–13. EBSCOhost,
Joon-Ho Shin, Mingyu Kim, Ji-Yeong Lee, Mi-Young Kim, Yu-Jin Jeon, & Kwanguk Kim. (2023). Feasibility of hemispatial neglect rehabilitation with virtual reality-based visual exploration therapy among patients with stroke: randomised controlled trial. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 1–13.
Joon-Ho Shin, Mingyu Kim, Ji-Yeong Lee, Mi-Young Kim, Yu-Jin Jeon, and Kwanguk Kim. 2023. “Feasibility of Hemispatial Neglect Rehabilitation with Virtual Reality-Based Visual Exploration Therapy among Patients with Stroke: Randomised Controlled Trial.” Frontiers in Neuroscience, May, 1–13. doi:10.3389/fnins.2023.1142663.