University of Cagliari Reports Findings in Mental Health [The impact of MDQ positivity on quality of life impairment: Does it support the hypothesis of "Dysregulation of Mood, Energy, and Social Rhythms Syndrome" (DYMERS)?].
“University of Cagliari Reports Findings in Mental Health [The Impact of MDQ Positivity on Quality of Life Impairment: Does It Support the Hypothesis of ‘Dysregulation of Mood, Energy, and Social Rhythms Syndrome’ (DYMERS)?].” Psychology & Psychiatry Journal, Nov. 2023, p. 416. EBSCOhost,
University of Cagliari Reports Findings in Mental Health [The impact of MDQ positivity on quality of life impairment: Does it support the hypothesis of “Dysregulation of Mood, Energy, and Social Rhythms Syndrome” (DYMERS)?]. (2023). Psychology & Psychiatry Journal, 416.
“University of Cagliari Reports Findings in Mental Health [The Impact of MDQ Positivity on Quality of Life Impairment: Does It Support the Hypothesis of ‘Dysregulation of Mood, Energy, and Social Rhythms Syndrome’ (DYMERS)?].” 2023. Psychology & Psychiatry Journal, November, 416.