The kinetics of Torque Teno virus plasma load following calcineurin inhibitor dose change in kidney transplant recipients.
Regele, Florina, et al. “The Kinetics of Torque Teno Virus Plasma Load Following Calcineurin Inhibitor Dose Change in Kidney Transplant Recipients.” Journal of Medical Virology, vol. 96, no. 3, Mar. 2024, pp. 1–7. EBSCOhost,
Regele, F., Haupenthal, F., Doberer, K., Görzer, I., Kapps, S., Strassl, R., & Bond, G. (2024). The kinetics of Torque Teno virus plasma load following calcineurin inhibitor dose change in kidney transplant recipients. Journal of Medical Virology, 96(3), 1–7.
Regele, Florina, Frederik Haupenthal, Konstantin Doberer, Irene Görzer, Sebastian Kapps, Robert Strassl, and Gregor Bond. 2024. “The Kinetics of Torque Teno Virus Plasma Load Following Calcineurin Inhibitor Dose Change in Kidney Transplant Recipients.” Journal of Medical Virology 96 (3): 1–7. doi:10.1002/jmv.29554.