University of Ulsan College of Medicine Reports Findings in Obesity, Fitness and Wellness (Newly Developed Sex-Specific Z Score Model for Coronary Artery Diameter in a Pediatric Population).
“University of Ulsan College of Medicine Reports Findings in Obesity, Fitness and Wellness (Newly Developed Sex-Specific Z Score Model for Coronary Artery Diameter in a Pediatric Population).” Pediatrics Week, May 2024, p. 464. EBSCOhost,
University of Ulsan College of Medicine Reports Findings in Obesity, Fitness and Wellness (Newly Developed Sex-Specific Z Score Model for Coronary Artery Diameter in a Pediatric Population). (2024). Pediatrics Week, 464.
“University of Ulsan College of Medicine Reports Findings in Obesity, Fitness and Wellness (Newly Developed Sex-Specific Z Score Model for Coronary Artery Diameter in a Pediatric Population).” 2024. Pediatrics Week, May, 464.