What should be next in lifelong posterior hypospadias: Conclusions from the 2023 ERN eUROGEN and EJP‐RD networking meeting.
Lammers, Rianne J. M., et al. “What Should Be next in Lifelong Posterior Hypospadias: Conclusions from the 2023 ERN EUROGEN and EJP‐RD Networking Meeting.” Neurourology & Urodynamics, vol. 43, no. 5, June 2024, pp. 1097–103. EBSCOhost,
Lammers, R. J. M., Tsachouridis, G., Andersson, M. K., Dormeus, S., Ekerhult, T. O., Frankiewicz, M., Gunn, C. J., Matuszewski, M., de Mooij, K. L., Schroeder, R. P. J., Wyndaele, M. I. A., Xing, Z., De Kort, L. M. O., & de Graaf, P. (2024). What should be next in lifelong posterior hypospadias: Conclusions from the 2023 ERN eUROGEN and EJP‐RD networking meeting. Neurourology & Urodynamics, 43(5), 1097–1103.
Lammers, Rianne J. M., George Tsachouridis, Marie K. Andersson, Sarah Dormeus, Teresa O. Ekerhult, Mikołaj Frankiewicz, Callum J. Gunn, et al. 2024. “What Should Be next in Lifelong Posterior Hypospadias: Conclusions from the 2023 ERN EUROGEN and EJP‐RD Networking Meeting.” Neurourology & Urodynamics 43 (5): 1097–1103. doi:10.1002/nau.25305.