Protein level alteration and micronuclei induction in Channa punctatus fish exposed to chlorpyrifos and their alleviation by Melissa officinalis and Mentha piperita extracts.
Tiwari, V., et al. “Protein Level Alteration and Micronuclei Induction in Channa Punctatus Fish Exposed to Chlorpyrifos and Their Alleviation by Melissa Officinalis and Mentha Piperita Extracts.” Journal of Environmental Biology, vol. 45, no. 4, July 2024, pp. 372–80. EBSCOhost,
Tiwari, V., Dwivedi, S., Kumar, M., Shukla, A., Kumar, V., Yadav, K. K., & Trivedi, S. P. (2024). Protein level alteration and micronuclei induction in Channa punctatus fish exposed to chlorpyrifos and their alleviation by Melissa officinalis and Mentha piperita extracts. Journal of Environmental Biology, 45(4), 372–380.
Tiwari, V., S. Dwivedi, M. Kumar, A. Shukla, V. Kumar, K. K. Yadav, and S. P. Trivedi. 2024. “Protein Level Alteration and Micronuclei Induction in Channa Punctatus Fish Exposed to Chlorpyrifos and Their Alleviation by Melissa Officinalis and Mentha Piperita Extracts.” Journal of Environmental Biology 45 (4): 372–80. doi:10.22438/jeb/45/4/MRN-5206.