Trend Stability Assessment for Hydrological Drought in Euphrates Basin (Türkiye) Using Triple Wilcoxon Test and Innovative Trend Analysis Methods.
Demirel, İbrahim Halil, et al. “Trend Stability Assessment for Hydrological Drought in Euphrates Basin (Türkiye) Using Triple Wilcoxon Test and Innovative Trend Analysis Methods.” Water (20734441), vol. 16, no. 19, Oct. 2024, p. 2823. EBSCOhost,
Demirel, İ. H., Kesgin, E., Güçlü, Y. S., Tan, R. İ., & Başaran, B. (2024). Trend Stability Assessment for Hydrological Drought in Euphrates Basin (Türkiye) Using Triple Wilcoxon Test and Innovative Trend Analysis Methods. Water (20734441), 16(19), 2823.
Demirel, İbrahim Halil, Erdal Kesgin, Yavuz Selim Güçlü, R. İlayda Tan, and Büşra Başaran. 2024. “Trend Stability Assessment for Hydrological Drought in Euphrates Basin (Türkiye) Using Triple Wilcoxon Test and Innovative Trend Analysis Methods.” Water (20734441) 16 (19): 2823. doi:10.3390/w16192823.