Transport properties and microstructure changes of talc characterized by emanation thermal analysis.
P, x00E9;rez-Maqueda, L., et al. “Transport Properties and Microstructure Changes of Talc Characterized by Emanation Thermal Analysis.” Journal of Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry, vol. 92, no. 1, Apr. 2008, pp. 253–58. EBSCOhost,
P, x00E9;rez-M. L., Balek, V., Poyato, J., x0160;ubrt, J., Bene, x015D;, M., Ram, x00ED;rez-V. V., Buntseva, I., Beckman, I., & P, x00E9;rez-R. J. (2008). Transport properties and microstructure changes of talc characterized by emanation thermal analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry, 92(1), 253–258.
P, x00E9;rez-Maqueda, L., V. Balek, J. Poyato, x0160;ubrt, J., x015D;, M. Bene, x00ED;rez-Valle, V. Ram, I. Buntseva, I. Beckman, and x00E9;rez-Rodr#x00ED;guez, J. P. 2008. “Transport Properties and Microstructure Changes of Talc Characterized by Emanation Thermal Analysis.” Journal of Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry 92 (1): 253–58. doi:10.1007/s10973-007-8819-8.