ChemInform Abstract: Unexpected Thermal Extrusion of CO2 from 3-Benzylthiazolidin-2-one 1,1- Dioxides to Give 2-Phenylthiazolines and Thiazoles.
Aitken, R. A., et al. “ChemInform Abstract: Unexpected Thermal Extrusion of CO2 from 3-Benzylthiazolidin-2-One 1,1- Dioxides to Give 2-Phenylthiazolines and Thiazoles.” ChemInform, vol. 26, no. 1, Jan. 1995, p. no. EBSCOhost,
Aitken, R. A., Armstrong, D. P., Mesher, S. T. E., & Galt, R. H. B. (1995). ChemInform Abstract: Unexpected Thermal Extrusion of CO2 from 3-Benzylthiazolidin-2-one 1,1- Dioxides to Give 2-Phenylthiazolines and Thiazoles. ChemInform, 26(1), no.
Aitken, R. A., D. P. Armstrong, S. T. E. Mesher, and R. H. B. Galt. 1995. “ChemInform Abstract: Unexpected Thermal Extrusion of CO2 from 3-Benzylthiazolidin-2-One 1,1- Dioxides to Give 2-Phenylthiazolines and Thiazoles.” ChemInform 26 (1): no. doi:10.1002/chin.199501156.