An analysis of warm pool and cold tongue El Niños: air-sea coupling processes, global influences, and recent trends.
Hu, Zeng-Zhen, et al. “An Analysis of Warm Pool and Cold Tongue El Niños: Air-Sea Coupling Processes, Global Influences, and Recent Trends.” Climate Dynamics, vol. 38, no. 9/10, May 2012, pp. 2017–35. EBSCOhost,
Hu, Z.-Z., Kumar, A., Jha, B., Wang, W., Huang, B., & Huang, B. (2012). An analysis of warm pool and cold tongue El Niños: air-sea coupling processes, global influences, and recent trends. Climate Dynamics, 38(9/10), 2017–2035.
Hu, Zeng-Zhen, Arun Kumar, Bhaskar Jha, Wanqiu Wang, Bohua Huang, and Boyin Huang. 2012. “An Analysis of Warm Pool and Cold Tongue El Niños: Air-Sea Coupling Processes, Global Influences, and Recent Trends.” Climate Dynamics 38 (9/10): 2017–35. doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1224-9.