Text, tweet, email, call-what do parents want in school communications? What does the research say about how parents and school communicate? Is there an overall preference?
Stansbury, Meris. “Text, Tweet, Email, Call-What Do Parents Want in School Communications? What Does the Research Say about How Parents and School Communicate? Is There an Overall Preference?” ESchool News, vol. 20, no. 3, Oct. 2017, pp. 10–11. EBSCOhost,
Stansbury, M. (2017, October). Text, tweet, email, call-what do parents want in school communications? What does the research say about how parents and school communicate? Is there an overall preference? ESchool News, 20(3), 10–11.
Stansbury, Meris. 2017. “Text, Tweet, Email, Call-What Do Parents Want in School Communications? What Does the Research Say about How Parents and School Communicate? Is There an Overall Preference?” ESchool News, October.