Screening of hepatitis E in patients presenting for acute neurological disorders.
Belbézier, Aude, et al. “Screening of Hepatitis E in Patients Presenting for Acute Neurological Disorders.” Journal of Infection & Public Health, vol. 13, no. 7, July 2020, pp. 1047–50. EBSCOhost,
Belbézier, A., Deroux, A., Sarrot-Reynauld, F., Colombe, B., Bosseray, A., Wintenberger, C., Dumanoir, P., Lugosi, M., Boccon-Gibod, I., Leroy, V., Maignan, M., Collomb-Muret, R., Viglino, D., Vaillant, M., Minotti, L., Lagrange, E., Epaulard, O., Dumestre-Perard, C., Lhomme, S., & Lupo, J. (2020). Screening of hepatitis E in patients presenting for acute neurological disorders. Journal of Infection & Public Health, 13(7), 1047–1050.
Belbézier, Aude, Alban Deroux, Françoise Sarrot-Reynauld, Barbara Colombe, Annick Bosseray, Claire Wintenberger, Perrine Dumanoir, et al. 2020. “Screening of Hepatitis E in Patients Presenting for Acute Neurological Disorders.” Journal of Infection & Public Health 13 (7): 1047–50. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2019.12.012.