Study Findings on Hypobetalipoproteinemias Are Outlined in Reports from Oslo University Hospital (Missense Mutation Q384k In the Apob Gene Affecting the Large Lipid Transfer Module of Apob Reduces the Secretion of Apob-100 In the Liver Without...).
“Study Findings on Hypobetalipoproteinemias Are Outlined in Reports from Oslo University Hospital (Missense Mutation Q384k In the Apob Gene Affecting the Large Lipid Transfer Module of Apob Reduces the Secretion of Apob-100 In the Liver Without...).” Genomics & Genetics Weekly, Mar. 2024, p. 2226. EBSCOhost,
Study Findings on Hypobetalipoproteinemias Are Outlined in Reports from Oslo University Hospital (Missense Mutation Q384k In the Apob Gene Affecting the Large Lipid Transfer Module of Apob Reduces the Secretion of Apob-100 In the Liver Without...). (2024). Genomics & Genetics Weekly, 2226.
“Study Findings on Hypobetalipoproteinemias Are Outlined in Reports from Oslo University Hospital (Missense Mutation Q384k In the Apob Gene Affecting the Large Lipid Transfer Module of Apob Reduces the Secretion of Apob-100 In the Liver Without...).” 2024. Genomics & Genetics Weekly, March, 2226.