Being Indispensable:A School Librarian’s Guide to Becoming an Invaluable Leader.By Ruth Toor and Hilda K. Weisburg. Chicago: American Library Association, 2011. 170 pp. US$42.00 (ALA members US$37.80) soft cover ISBN 9780838910658 (available from Inbooks)
Linning, Lyn. “Being Indispensable:A School Librarian’s Guide to Becoming an Invaluable Leader.By Ruth Toor and Hilda K. Weisburg. Chicago: American Library Association, 2011. 170 Pp. US$42.00 (ALA Members US$37.80) Soft Cover ISBN 9780838910658 (Available from Inbooks).” Australian Library Journal, vol. 60, no. 3, Aug. 2011, pp. 259–60. EBSCOhost,
Linning, L. (2011). Being Indispensable:A School Librarian’s Guide to Becoming an Invaluable Leader.By Ruth Toor and Hilda K. Weisburg. Chicago: American Library Association, 2011. 170 pp. US$42.00 (ALA members US$37.80) soft cover ISBN 9780838910658 (available from Inbooks). Australian Library Journal, 60(3), 259–260.
Linning, Lyn. 2011. “Being Indispensable:A School Librarian’s Guide to Becoming an Invaluable Leader.By Ruth Toor and Hilda K. Weisburg. Chicago: American Library Association, 2011. 170 Pp. US$42.00 (ALA Members US$37.80) Soft Cover ISBN 9780838910658 (Available from Inbooks).” Australian Library Journal 60 (3): 259–60. doi:10.1080/00049670.2011.10722623.