High-Power Performance of a Resonant Diplexer for Advanced ECRH
Kasparek, W. [. 1. ]., et al. High-Power Performance of a Resonant Diplexer for Advanced ECRH. Jan. 2011. EBSCOhost,
Kasparek, W. [ 1 ], Van den Braber, R. [ 2 ], Doelman, N. [ 2 ], Fritz, E. [ 2 ], Erckmann, V. [ 3 ], Hollmann, F. [ 3 ], Michel, G. [ 3 ], Noke, F. [ 3 ], Purps, F. [ 3 ], Bongers, W. [ 4 ], Krijger, B. [ 4 ], Petelin, M. [ 5 ], Lubyako, L. [ 5 ], Bruschi, A. [ 6 ], ECRH Groups at IPP Greifswald, & IPF Stuttgart. (2011). High-Power Performance of a Resonant Diplexer for Advanced ECRH.
Kasparek, W [ 1 ], R [ 2 ] Van den Braber, N [ 2 ] Doelman, E [ 2 ] Fritz, V [ 3 ] Erckmann, F [ 3 ] Hollmann, G [ 3 ] Michel, et al. 2011. “High-Power Performance of a Resonant Diplexer for Advanced ECRH,” January.