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Authors :
Viljac, Antea
Krnić, Mladen
Modun, Darko
Tičinović Kurir, Tina
Pavlinac Dodig, Ivana
Publication Year :


Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi utjecaj inzulina glargin U-300 i inzulina degludec na vrijednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita, broja eritrocita, trombocita, leukocita i CRP-a te utvrditi postoji li razlika u njiovom utjecaju na te iste parametre. Metode i materijali: Ovo istraživanje koristilo je podatke iz ukrižene studije naziva „Usporedba učinaka inzulina degludec i glargin U-300 na glukovarijabilnost, oksidacijski stres i parametre krvožilne funkcije u bolesnika sa šećernom bolešću tipa 2“. U nju je ukupno bilo regrutirano 25 pacijenta, a za izradu ovog rada korišteni su i statistički obrađeni podaci njih 19. Prosječna dob ispitanika bila je 57,6 godina. Ispitanici su u studiju bili uključivani pojedinačno, te su randomizrani u dvije skupine. Jedna skupina je istraživanje započela terapijom inzulinom glargin U-300 (n=11), a druga s inzulinom degludec (n=7). Nakon završetka terapije prvim inzulinom uslijedio je wash out period i nakon njega su ispitanici započeli terapiju drugim inzulinom. Sumirani su podaci za jedan i za drugi inzulin. Parametri promatrani u ovom radu (Hgb, Hct, broj eritocita, trombocita, leukocita i CRP) mjereni su iz krvi ispitanika. Svakom ispitaniku uzorak krvi uzet je u 4 točke, tj. svaki put prije početka terapije jednim od inzulina i nakon terapije svakim od inzulina. Rezultati: Terapija inzulinom glargin U-300 nije dovela do statički značajne promjene niti jednog od promatranih parametara. Aritmetička sredina iznosi za: Hgb 0,716 (P=0,302), Hct -0,009 (P=0,61), broj eritrocita 0,08 (P=0,244), broj trombocita -13,474 (P=0,20), broj leukocita -0,221 (P= 0,612) i CRP -0,716 (P=0.472). Ni terapija inzulinom degludec nije dovela do statistički značajne promjene niti jednog od navedenih parametara. Aritmetička sredina iznosi za: Hgb 0,527 (P=0,769), Hct 0,001 (P=0,859), broj eritrocita 0,025 (P=0,675), broj trombocita -0,684 (P=0,897), broj leukocita 0.374 (p=0,274) i CRP 1,109 (P=0,317). Rezultati dobiveni za usporedbu inzulina međusobno također nisu pokazali statističku značajnost: Hgb 2,000 (P=0,323), Hct 0,010 (P=0,164), broj eritrocita 0,105 (P=0,221), broj trombocita 12,789 (P=0,362), broj leukocita 0,592 (P=0,317) i CRP -0,347 (P=0,806). Zaključak: Ni inzulin degludec ni inzulin glargin U-300 ne utječu na hematološke i upalne parametre promatrane u ovom radu, niti ima razlike u njihom učinku na navedene parametre.<br />Objective: To determine the effect of insulin glargine U-300 and insulin degludec on the values of hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte count, platelet count, leukocyte count and CRP and to determine whether there is a difference in their effect on these same parameters. Methods and Materials: This study used data from a croosover study titled „Comparison of the impact of insulin degludec and glargine U-300 on the glucose variability, the oxidative stress and the vascular function in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2“. The study was conducted in the period from October 1, 2017 to July 2018 at KBC Split. Initially, 25 patients were recruited, and data of 19 patients were statistically processed and used for the preparation of this paper. The average age of the participants was 57,6 years. Subjects were included in the study individually, and then randomized into two groups. One group started the study with insulin glargine U-300 (n = 11) and the other with degludec insulin (n = 7). After the end of the first insulin therapy, a wash out period followed and after that the subjects started the second insulin therapy. At the end, the data for each insulin were summarized. The parameters observed in this study (Hgb, Hct, erythrocyte count, platelet count, leukocyte count and CRP) were measured from the subjects' blood. A blood sample was taken from each subject 4 times, each time before starting the treatment with one of the insulins and after the treatment with each of the insulins. Results: Glargine U-300 did not lead to a statically significant change in any of the observed parameters. The arithmetic mean is for: Hgb 0,716 (P=0,302), Hct -0,009 (P=0,61), erythrocyte count 0,08 (P=0,244), platelet count -13,474 (P=0,20), leukocyte count -0,221 (P=0,612) and CRP -0,716 (P=0,472). Neither degludec insulin therapy resulted in a statistically significant change in any of these parameters. The arithmetic mean is for: Hgb 0,527 (P=0,769), Hct 0,001 (P=0,859), erythrocyte count 0,025 (P=0,675), platelet count -0,684 (P=0,897), leukocyte count 0,374 (P=0,274) and CRP (P=0,317). The results obtained for comparing insulins with each other also did not show statistical significance: Hgb 2,000 (P=0,323), Hct 0,010 (P=0,164), erythrocyte count 0,105 (P=0,221), platelet count 12.789 (P=0,362), leukocyte count 0,592 (P = 0,317) and CRP -0,347 (P=0,806). Conclusion: Neither insulin degludec nor insulin glargine U-300 affected the haematological and inflammatory parameters observed in this study, nor any differences in their effect on these parameters were found.


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