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Psychotic disorders
- Publication Year :
- 2022
- Psihotični poremećaji čine jednu od skupina duševnih poremećaja, a karakteriziraju ih smetnje ponašanja, mišljenja, osjećaja. Mogu biti prolazni ili trajni, a mogu ih osim neuralnih promjena uzrokovati traume mozga, uzimanje psihoaktivnih tvari, poremećaji raspoloženja i drugo. Pritom se ne smije zanemariti utjecaj okoline, genetika, utjecaj osoba, okolina odrastanja. Najčešći psihotični poremećaj je shizofrenija. Shizofrenija je poremećaj kod kojega osoba gubi vezu s realnošću te se javljaju sumanutosti i halucinacije. Najčešće vrste halucinacija su glasovi, od sumanutosti sumanutost proganjanja. Tijekom postavljanja dijagnoze važno je postojanje i intenzitet pozitivnih i negativnih simptoma. Shizofreni bolesnici teško funkcioniraju u svakodnevnom životu, najčešće su nezaposleni, što ima utjecaj na njihove bližnje te su skloni samoozlijeđivanju. Stoga je bitno što ranije prepoznati bolest, kako od strane oboljele osobe, njihovih bližnjih te liječnika kako bi se pravovremeno krenulo s odgovarajućom terapijom. Temelj liječenja shizofrenije je primarno farmakoterapija (antipsihotici), no ne smije izostati psihosocijalno liječenje (obiteljska, skupna, bihevioralna, individualna terapija).<br />Psychotic disorders make up one of the groups of mental disorders and they are characterized by disorders of behavior, thinking, feelings. They can be transient or permanent, and in addition to neural changes, they can be caused by brain trauma, taking psychoactive substances, mood disorders and more. The influence of the environment, genetics, the influence of people, the environment of growing up must not be neglected. The most common psychotic disorder is schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a disorder in which a person loses touch with reality and insanity and hallucinations occur. The most common types of hallucinations are voices, and insanity is the insanity of persecution. The existence and intensity of positive and negative symptoms are important during diagnosis. Schizophrenic person finds it difficult to function in everyday life, they are most often unemployed, which has an impact on their loved ones and they are prone to self-harm. Therefore, it is important to recognize the disease as early as possible, both on the part of the sick person, their family/relatives and the doctor in order to start the appropriate therapy in a timely manner. The basis of schizophrenia treatment is primarily pharmacotherapy (antipsychotics), but psychosocial treatment must not be absent.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :