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Influence of convective drying on the chemical composition of pumpkin

Authors :
Šošo, Lea
Ninčević Grassino, Antonela
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Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet. Zavod za kemiju i biokemiju. Laboratorij za analitičku kemiju., 2022.


Pulpa bundeve je nutritivno vrijedna namirnica koja se zbog podložnosti kvarenju podvrgava procesu sušenja. Cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati kemijski sastav bundeve sušene u konvekcijskoj sušari uz protok zraka od 1,5 m sˉ¹ pri 50 ℃ i 0,5 m sˉ¹ pri 50, 60 i 70 ℃. Sadržaj nutritivnih komponenata u uzorcima određen je gravimetrijom i UV/Vis spektrofotometrijom. Najniži udio vlage (12,56 %), pepela (5,48 %) i vlakana (10,12 %) sadrži uzorak sušen pri 60 ℃. Isti uzorak ima najveći udio masti (2,18 %) i šećera (3,49 %). Optimalno vrijeme za provođenje ultrazvučne ekstrakcije šećera pokazalo se 40 min (pri 60 ℃), a za ekstrakciju proteina 20 min. Tako maseni udjeli proteina za uzorke sušene pri 50 ℃ (1,5 m sˉ¹), 60 i 70 ℃ (0,5 m sˉ¹) uz ekstrakciju od 20 min iznose 27,56 %, 25,36 % i 24,44 %. Pumpkin pulp is a nutritionally valuable food product that undergoes a drying process due to its susceptibility to spoilage. The aim of this work was to analyze the chemical composition of pumpkin that was dried by convention at an airflow of 1.5 m sˉ¹ for 50 ℃ and 0.5 m sˉ¹ for 50, 60 and 70 ℃. The content of nutrients was determined gravimetrically and UV/Vis spectrophotometrically. The lowest content of moisture (12.56 %), ash (5.48 %) and dietary fiber (10.12 %) was determined in the sample dried at 60 ℃. The same sample contained the highest percentage of fat (2.18 %) and sugar (3.49 %). The optimal time for ultrasonic sugar extraction turned out to be 40 min (at 60 °C), and 20 min for protein extraction. Thus, the mass fractions of the samples dried at 50 ℃ (1.5 m sˉ¹), 60 and 70 ℃ (0.5 m sˉ¹) with an extraction of 20 min were 27.56 %, 25.36 % and 24.44 %, respectively.


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