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Authors :
Koncul, Natalia-Neda
Biočina-Lukenda, Dolores
Cigić, Livia
Gavić, Lidia
Galić, Ivan
Publication Year :


CILJ: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati stavove i navike osoba starije životne dobi, kliničkim pregledom utvrditi stanje gingive, status usne šupljine te funkciju žlijezda slinovnica. Za kraj smo htjeli ispitati koliko stavovi i navike osoba starije životne dobi utječu na oralno zdravlje. ISPITANICI I METODE: Istraživanje je provedeno na Stomatološkoj poliklinici Split, odjel Oralne medicine. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 73 ispitanika koja su starija od 65 godina. Za potrebe istraživanja napravljen je anonimni anketni upitnik koji je sadržavao 17 pitanja o navikama, stavovima te ponašanju ispitanika vezanim za oralnu higijenu, oralno te opće zdravlje. Klinički pregled je uključivao određivanje statusa usne šupljine pomoću KEP indeksa, zatim, klinički status gingive te određivanje količine izlučene sline. Istraživanje je trajalo od početka lipnja do polovice srpnja. REZULTATI: U istraživanju su sudjelovale najvećim djelom osobe ženskog spola (83.56%), a najviše ispitanika je imalo završenu srednju stručnu spremu (43,83%). Većina ispitanika (84,93%) boluje od neke sustavne bolesti, a hipertenzija je najzastupljenija (47,94%). Također, skoro svi ispitanici imaju neku oralnu bolest (94,52%), a najčešća među njima je Oralna kandidijaza (41,09%). Većinu zubi je izgubilo 41,10% ispitanika. 20,54% ispitanika je potpuno bezubo, a 79,45% djelomično bezubo. Svi potpuno bezubi ispitanici (N=15) nose potpunu protezu, osim jednog ispitanika. Djelomično bezubi ispitanici (N=58) najviše nose djelomičnu protezu (34,48%) ili ne nose ništa (41,37%). Kliničkim pregledom se utvrdilo da je malo manje od polovice ispitanika (41,37%) imalo upaljenu gingivu. Dobiveni KEP indeks je 22,64, a količina nestimulirane sline 1,15 ml/5 minuta. 46,58% ispitanika stanje zuba i desni opisuje kao osrednje. 71,23% ih smatra da zdravlje usta i zuba utječu na opće zdravlje, te isti broj ih smatra da izgled usta i zuba utječe na dojam koji ostavljamo na druge. 45,21% ispitanika zna koja je hrana loša za zube. Svoje zdravstveno stanje kao dobro procjenjuje 61.64% ispitanih. 73,61% ispitanika pere zube/protezu nekoliko puta dnevno, a 70% navodi da pere zube/protezu 1-2 minute. 46,48% njih kupuje četkicu za zube/protezu svaka 3 mjeseca, a najviše ih koristi srednju četkicu (49,30%). Neodređenim pokretima pere najviše ispitanika (38,57%). Samo dva ispitanika ne koristi pasu za zube, vodicu za usta koristi njih 17,14%, zubni konac koristi 20%, a interdentalnu četkicu 11,27% ispitanika. Skoro svi ispitanici (90-91%) ne puše i ne konzumiraju alkohol, a 87,67% ispitanika pije neke lijekove. Najviše ispitanika posljednji put kod doktora dentalne medicine je bilo u zadnjih 6 mjeseci (63,01%), a razlog istog najviše navode redovni pregled (56,34%). KEP indeks se smanjuje češćim pranjem zuba, ali rezultat nije statistički značajan (p=0,748). KEP indeks se smanjuje duljim pranjem zubi, ali rezultat također nije statistički značajan (p=0,728). Prosječna vrijednost KEP indeksa je veća kod pacijenata koji ne znaju ili nisu sigurna koja je hrana loša za zube (p=0,015). Vrijednost KEP indeksa je manja kod ispitanika koji ne boluju od sustavnih bolesti, ali rezultat nije statistički značajan (p=0,444). Ispitivanjem veze između količine nestimulirane i stimulirane sline sa KEP indeksom, dobiveni rezultat pokazuje da vrijednost KEP indeksa je manja što je veća količina nestimulirane i stimulirane sline i obratno (p=0,017, p=0,014). ZAKLJUČAK: Dobivenim rezultatima utvrđeno je da stavovi i navike osoba starije životne dobi i nisu tako loše kao što smo očekivali, ali status usne šupljine utvrđen KEP indeksom je dosta visok i govori nam da oralno zdravlje osoba starije životne dobi nije na zadovoljavajućoj razini.<br />OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to examine the attitudes and habits of the elderly, to determine the condition of the gingiva, the status of the oral cavity and the function of the salivary glands by clinical examination. Finally, we wanted to examine how much the attitudes and habits of older people affect oral health. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The research was conducted at the Dental clinic Split, Department of Oral Medicine. The study involved 73 respondents over the age of 65 years. For the purposes of the research, a questionnaire was made which contained 17 questions about the habits, attitudes and behavior of the respondents related to oral hygiene, oral and general health. Clinical examination included determining the status of the oral cavity using the KEP index, then, the clinical status of the gingiva, and determining the amount of saliva secreted. The survey lasted from early June to mid-July. RESULTS: The majority of participants in the research were females (83.56%), and most of the respondents had completed secondary education (43.83%). The majority of respondents (84.93%) suffer from a systemic disease, and hypertension is the most common (47.94%). Also, almost all subjects have some kind of oral disease (94.52%), and the most common among them is Oral candidiasis (41.09%). 41.10% of the respondents lost most of their teeth. 20.54% of respondents are completely toothless and 79.45% are partially toothless. All completely edentulous subjects (N = 15) wear a complete denture, except one subject. Partially edentulous subjects (N = 58) mostly wear a partial denture (34.48%) or wear nothing (41.37%). Clinical examination revealed that slightly less than half of the subjects (41.37%) had inflamed gingiva. The obtained KEP index is 22.64 and the amount of unstimulated saliva is 1.15 ml / 5 minutes. 46.58% of respondents describe the condition of their teeth and gums as mediocre. 71.23% of them believe that the health of the mouth and teeth affect general health, and the same number of them believe that the appearance of the mouth and teeth affects the impression we leave on others. 45.21% of respondents know which foods are bad for their teeth. 61.64% of respondents assess their health condition as good. 73.61% of respondents brush their teeth / dentures several times a day, and 70% state that they brush their teeth / dentures for 1-2 minutes. 46.48% of them buy a toothbrush / denture every 3 months, and most of them use a medium toothbrush (49.30%). Most respondents wash with indefinite movements (38.57%). Only two subjects do not use toothpaste, 17.14% use mouthwash, 20% use dental floss, and 11.27% use interdental toothbrush. Almost all respondents (90-91%) do not smoke or consume alcohol, and 87.67% of respondents drink some medications. The last number of examinees was last seen by a dentist in the last 6 months (63.01%), and the reason for the same is mostly stated by a regular examination (56.34%). The KEP index decreases with more frequent brushing, but the result is not statistically significant (p = 0.748). The KEP index decreases with longer brushing, but the result is also not statistically significant (p = 0.728). The average value of the KEP index is higher in patients who do not know or are not sure which food is bad for their teeth (p = 0.015). The value of the KEP index is lower in subjects who do not suffer from systemic diseases, but the result is not statistically significant (p = 0.444). By examining the relationship between the amount of unstimulated and stimulated saliva with the KEP index, the obtained result shows that the value of the KEP index is smaller the higher the amount of unstimulated and stimulated saliva and vice versa (p = 0.017, p = 0.014). CONCLUSION: The obtained results show that the attitudes and habits of the elderly are not as bad as we expected, but the status of the oral cavity determined by the KEP index is quite high and tells us that the oral health of the elderly is not satisfactory.


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