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- Source :
- Maribor
- Publication Year :
- 2013
- V sklopu magistrskega dela smo ovrednotili vse stroške, ki nastanejo pri siliranju koruze in transportu silaže do silosa ter ravnanju in tlačenju. Primerjali smo dva sistema siliranja z nošenim dvorednim silokombajnom Mengele SH 20 in domačimi stroji za transport in kompletno najeto uslugo siliranja s samohodnim kombajnom in prevozi ter ravnanja in tlačenja. Dokazali smo, da se v primeru, ko obračunamo amortizacijo domačih strojev in ko računamo delovno silo (strojnike), siliranje z domačimi stroji, ne izplača. Dokazali smo, da je v primeru uporabe amortiziranih strojev siliranje z domačimi stroji ugodnejše. V primeru, ko kmet nabavi nov silokombajn (v našem primeru dvoredni Mengele SH 20), nove traktorje in prikolice, oziroma ko obračuna strojnike in amortizacijo, je bolj smotrna odločitev o najemu siliranja s prevozom domov in tlačenjem. In this Master thesis, we estimate all costs incurred in ensiling maize, transporting silage to a silo and levelling and treading it. We compare two methods of ensilage: using a Mengele SH 20 mounted two-row silage harvester and own transport machinery, and using a complete ensilage service, including harvesting with a rented self-propelled silage harvester as well as transporting, levelling and treading of silage. We will show that, when depreciation of own machinery and labour costs (engineers) are taken into account, ensiling using own machinery does not pay off. Furthermore, we will show that the costs of ensiling are lower when depreciated own machinery is used. It is more sensible to use and pay for ensilage services, including transport and treading, than to purchase a new silage harvester (in our case a two-row Mengele SH 20), new tractors and trailers or hire engineers and charge depreciation expenses.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Maribor
- Accession number :