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Authors :
Ćorluka, Božana
Kovačić, Ivan
Tadin, Antonija
Ognjenović, Marina
Gavić, Lidia
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište u Splitu. Medicinski fakultet. Protetika dentalne medicine., 2020.


Cilj istraživanja: Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je utvrditi promjene kefalometrijskih varijabli koje nastaju zbog resorpcije gornje i donje čeljusti ispod baze potpunih proteza u razdoblju od pet godina te ispitati postoji li povezanost između spola ispitanika s brzinom resorpcije čeljusti. Materijali i metode: U ispitivanju je sudjelovao 31 ispitanik. Napravljena su dva telerendgenograma, jedan prilikom predaje proteza, a drugi nakon pet godina nošenja proteza. Sva su snimanja vršena na istom rendgenskom aparatu (Simens Roentgen Kugel 2E) uz upotrebu istog kefalostata te konvencionalnog rendgenskog filma (AGFA-ORTHO CP–G PLUS). Statistička analiza napravljena je s pomoću statističkoga paketa SPSS 12.0. (Statistical package for Social Science, Chicago, Illinois, USA). Rezultati: Rezultati pokazuju da je kod svih ispitanika došlo do statistički značajne resorpcije rezidualnoga grebena, odnosno do promjena karakteriziranih smanjenjem donje trećine lica (ANS-Xi/Xi-Pm, SN/Go-Gn, Go-Gn/ANS-PNS, ANS-Me) i pomicanjem mandibule prema naprijed (FH/N-Pog, SNPog, SNB, ANB). Nisu dokazane statistički značajne razlike između spolova u nijednoj ispitivanoj kefalometrijskoj varijabli. Zaključak: Tijekom petogodišnjeg razdoblja nošenja potpunih zubnih proteza dolazi do značajnih promjena u kefalometrijskim varijablama koje su povezane s pomakom mandibule prema naprijed te sa smanjenjem donje trećine lica. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata ne možemo zaključivati o utjecaju spola na brzinu resorpcije rezidualnog grebena.<br />Objectives: The aim of this study was to measure the rate of mandibular and maxillary alveolar ridge resorption under the base of complete dentures through a five year period of denture wearing, and to assess the correlation between gender and the rate of residual alveolar ridge resorption. Materials and Methods: Thirty one participants were included in this study. The first lateral cephalogram was obtained at the delivery of complete dentures. The second lateral cephalogram was obtained after five years of denture wearing. Cephalograms were produced using Simens Roentgen Kugel 2E. The same cephalostat was used throughout the study and all films were AGFA-ORTHO CP–G PLUS. Statistical analysis was performed on selected craniograms using SPSS 12.0. (Statistical package for Social Science, Chicago, Illinois, USA). Results: All participants showed significant reduction (resorption) of residual alveolar ridges, the reduction of the height of the lower third of the face and the forward shifting of the mandible. There was no statistically significant correlation between gender and the rate of residual alveolar ridge resorption. Conclusion: Significant changes of cephalometric measurments after five years of wearing complete dentures were related to the reduction of the height of the lower third of the face and the forward shifting of the mandible. Further investigation is necessary to assess the correlation between gender and the rate of residual alveolar ridge resorption.


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