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Severe asthma: Allergic and eosinophil phenotype and Therapeutic possibillities

Authors :
Erstić, Ivan
Bulat-Kardum, Ljiljana
Barković, Igor
Kukuljan, Melita
Ivančić, Aldo
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Publisher :
Sveučilište u Rijeci. Medicinski fakultet. Katedra za internu medicinu., 2020.


Astma zahvaća velik broj ljudi- oko 250 milijuna u svijetu. Od teške astme boluje oko 5% astmatičara. Iako je kod većine bolesnika astma bolest koja se lako kontrolira, za teške astmatičare nerijetko je životno ugrožavajuća bolest koja je refraktorna na liječenje. S vremenom se shvatilo da su pacijenti s astmom često različiti te je razvijen koncept fenotipova astme. On objedinjava kliničke karakteristike, patogenetske mehanizme u pozadini bolesti te različit pristup dijagnostici i terapiji prema pojedinim grupama pacijenata. Dva najčešće fenotipa u astmi su alergijski i eozinofilni. Otišlo se i korak dalje, uveo se pojam endotipa koji govori u prilog različitih molekularnih mehanizama koji objašnjavaju razvoj bolest. Za sada su, zbog trenutno dostupne terapije, definirana dva endotipa- Th2-high i Th2-low endotip. Alergijski fenotip je najčešći. Dolazi do reakcije preosjetljivosti tipa I gdje važnu ulogu ima IgE. Nakon ponovnog izlaganja alergenu, dolazi do njegovog križnog vezanja za IgE te otpuštanje različitih medijatora iz upalnih stanica što u konačnici uzrokuje aktivaciju eozinofila kao efektorskih stanica. Većina pacijenata dobro kontrolira svoju bolest s IKS-om ili IKS+LABA-om, no za najteže pacijente efikasan je omalizumab, protutijelo koje se veže za IgE. Eozinofilni fenotip se javlja u kasnijoj životnoj dobi te je vrlo često od početka bolesti refraktoran na terapiju i sklon egzacerbacijama. Patogeneza nije do kraja razjašnjena, ali se smatra da ključnu ulogu imaju ILC-2 stanice te IL-5 koji je nužan za eozinofiliju koja prevladava u ovom fenotipu. Standardnom terapijom se bolest često ne može kontrolirati, stoga se koristi biološka terapija za pacijente koji zadovoljavaju dane indikacije.<br />Asthma affects a large number of people - around 250 million worldwide. Severe asthma affects about 5% of asthmatics. Over time, it was realized that patients with asthma were often different and the concept of phenotype was introduced. It combines clinical features, the pathogenetic mechanism of underlying disease and a different approach to diagnosis and therapy for each phenotype. Depending on the authors, patients are usually divided into 4 to 5 phenotypes. Scientists have gone a step further - introducing the appearance of an endotype where certain molecular mechanisms have explained the disease. For the time being, due to currently available therapies, two endotypes have been defined - Th2-high and Th2-low. The allergic phenotype is the most common. Type I hypersensitivity reactions occur where IgE plays an important role. After re-contact with the allergen, cross-linking to IgE occurs and releases various mediators from the inflammatory cells, which ultimately allows the activation of eosinophils as effector cells. Patients often have good control of their disease with ICS or ICS+LABA, but for the most severe patients, omalizumab, an IgE-binding antibody, is effective. The eosinophilic phenotype occurs in adulthood and it is often refractory to therapy and prone to exacerbations from the onset of the disease. The pathogenesis has not been fully explained, but it is considered that ILC-2 cells play pivotal role and so does IL-5, which is an essential cytokine for the eosinophilia that is prevalent in this phenotype. Standard therapy sometimes cannot control the disease, so biological therapy is used for patients who meet the given indications.


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