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Turski pisci u Njemačkoj: 1960. – 1990

Authors :
Nikolić, Maja
Abadžić Navaey, Azra
Publication Year :


Migrantska književnost (njem. Migrantenliteratur) jedna je od novijih literarnih struja koja se pojavila na njemačkoj književnoj sceni u 20. stoljeću. Jednu od podskupina te struje čine, između ostalih, djela turskih pisaca koji su od 60-ih do 90-ih godina, zajedno s ostalim radnicima migrantima, pojačanim intenzitetom migrirali u Zapadnu Njemačku. Neki su tursko-njemački autori spisateljsku karijeru započeli u Turskoj te ju nastavili po dolasku u Njemačku, dok drugi svoja prva djela objavljuju tek u novoj sredini. Ovisno o razdoblju, tematici i jeziku stvaralaštva možemo ih podijeliti u prvu i drugu generaciju. Ovaj će rad dati pregled najistaknutijih tursko-njemačkih autora dviju generacija i njihovog opusa, te analizom izabranih djela utvrditi sličnosti i razlike u obradi tematike identiteta i problematike jezika. Migrant literature (German: Migrantenliteratur) is one of the newer literary trends that emerged on the German literary scene in the 20th century. The publications of Turkish writers who migrated to West Germany with increased intensity from the 1960s into the 1990s, together with other migrant workers, represent one subgroup of the migrant literature. Some Turkish-German authors began their writing careers in Turkey and continued writing after arriving in Germany, while others started publishing their books in the new surroundings. Depending on the period, theme and language of their literary work, we can divide them into the first and second generation. This paper will provide an overview of the most prominent Turkish-German authors of the two generations and their oeuvre. Also, through the analysis of their selected works this thesis will identify similarities and differences in the elaboration of identity and language issues.


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