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The effect of nonthermal technologies on particle size distribution and interval stability of multicomponent smoothie systems

Authors :
Knechtl, Sven
Bosiljkov, Tomislav
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet. Zavod za procesno inženjerstvo. Laboratorij za tehnološke operacije., 2021.


Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj visokog hidrostatskog tlaka (VHT) i ultrazvuka visokog intenziteta (UVI) na uzorke smoothieja sa dodanim sezamovim uljem od 0,5 i 1 mL kako bi se dobio proizvod veće stabilnosti. Stabilnost je praćena preko izmjerenih vrijednosti apsorbancije i izračunatim vrijednostima indeksa stabilnosti. Stabilnost sustava izražena je i preko intervala raspodjele čestica. Istraživanje je provedeno pri sljedećim parametrima VHT: (p = 150, 300 i 450 MPa); vrijeme obrade (t = 3, 9 i 15 min); UVI: amplituda (A = 60 i 100 %), vrijeme obrade ( t = 2, 6 i 10 min), promjer sonde (d = 7 i 10 mm). Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su sa standardnim postupkom toplinske obrade pri 85 °C u trajanju od 5 minuta. VHT obradom pri 150 MPa postiže se najveća stabilnost od 660 h sa intervalom raspodjele od 0,02 – 10 μm. UVI obradom pri 60 %, 10 minuta, sondom promjera 10 mm postiže se stabilnost od 290 h sa intervalom raspodjele čestica od 100 – 2000 μm. Kod obje netoplinske tehnologije dodatak sezamovog ulja doveo je do značajnog povećanja stabilnosti višekomponentnog sustava u odnosu na konvencionalnu toplinsku obradu. This research aimed to explore the influence of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and the high- intensity ultrasound (HIU) on the samples of smoothies with added sesame oil of 0,5 and 1 mL to get the product of higher stability. Stability was tracked by the measured absorbance levels and the calculated stability index values. The stability of the system is expressed by using the particle-size distribution intervals. The research was conducted by the following parameters: HHP: (p = 150, 300 and 450 MPa), time of processing (t = 3, 9 and 15 min); HIU: amplitude (A = 60 and 100 %), time of processing (t = 2, 6 and 10 min), probe diameter (d = 7 and 10 mm). The given results were compared to the standard process of heat treatment (85 °C in 5 minutes). The highest stability of 660h is a result of HHP processing of 150 MPa with the distribution interval of 0,02 – 10 μm. The result of HIFU processing of 60 %, 10 minutes and the probe diameter of 10 mm is the stability of 290 h with the distribution interval of 100 – 2000 μm. In both of the non-thermal technologies the addition of sesame oil resulted in a significant increase in the stability of the multicomponent system as opposed to the conventional heat treatment.


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