High Resolution Air Quality Forecasting Over Prague within the URBI PRAGENSI Project: Model Performance During the Winter Period and the Effect of Urban Parameterization on PM
Ďoubalová, Jana, et al. “High Resolution Air Quality Forecasting Over Prague within the URBI PRAGENSI Project: Model Performance During the Winter Period and the Effect of Urban Parameterization on PM.” Atmosphere, vol. 11, no. 625, June 2020. EBSCOhost,
Ďoubalová, J., Huszár, P., Eben, K., Benešová, N., Belda, M., Vlček, O., Karlický, J., Geletič, J., & Halenka, T. (2020). High Resolution Air Quality Forecasting Over Prague within the URBI PRAGENSI Project: Model Performance During the Winter Period and the Effect of Urban Parameterization on PM. Atmosphere, 11(625).
Ďoubalová, Jana, Peter Huszár, Kryštof Eben, Nina Benešová, Michal Belda, Ondřej Vlček, Jan Karlický, Jan Geletič, and Tomáš Halenka. 2020. “High Resolution Air Quality Forecasting Over Prague within the URBI PRAGENSI Project: Model Performance During the Winter Period and the Effect of Urban Parameterization on PM.” Atmosphere 11 (625).