Non-specific pituitary response of insulin-dependent diabetes in children and adolescents | REPONSES HYPOPHYSAIRES ASPECIFIQUES DANS LE DIABETE INSULINODEPENDANT DES ENFANTS ET DES ADOLESCENTS
Lorenzo Iughetti, et al. Non-Specific Pituitary Response of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes in Children and Adolescents | REPONSES HYPOPHYSAIRES ASPECIFIQUES DANS LE DIABETE INSULINODEPENDANT DES ENFANTS ET DES ADOLESCENTS. EBSCOhost, Accessed 9 Jan. 2025.
Lorenzo Iughetti, Petraglia, F., Facchinetti, F., Genazzani, A. R., Cozzini, A., Vanelli, M., & Bernasconi, S. (n.d.). Non-specific pituitary response of insulin-dependent diabetes in children and adolescents | REPONSES HYPOPHYSAIRES ASPECIFIQUES DANS LE DIABETE INSULINODEPENDANT DES ENFANTS ET DES ADOLESCENTS.
Lorenzo Iughetti, F. Petraglia, F. Facchinetti, A. R. Genazzani, A. Cozzini, M. Vanelli, and S. Bernasconi. 2025. “Non-Specific Pituitary Response of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes in Children and Adolescents | REPONSES HYPOPHYSAIRES ASPECIFIQUES DANS LE DIABETE INSULINODEPENDANT DES ENFANTS ET DES ADOLESCENTS.” Accessed January 9.