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Mikroplastika u vodi

Authors :
Majer, Patricija
Vukić Lušić, Darija
Lušić, Dražen
Cenov, Arijana
Publication Year :


Opće je poznato kako se plastika u okolišu zadržava godinama. Djelovanjem klimatskih i okolišnih faktora dolazi do njene degredacije prilikom čega nastaju vrlo sitni fragmenti plastike, nevidljivi golim okom – mikroplastika. Velike količine mikroplastike s kojima se planeta svakodnevno suočava dovele su u pitanje održivost ekosustava. Problemi leže u njenoj akumulaciji u okoliš i kruženju kroz hranidbeni lanac prilikom čega štetno djeluje na žive organizme. Veliki napori se ulažu za pronalazak najefikasnije metode, kojom bi se mikroplastika iz okoliša izdvojila i kvantificirala. Metode izdvajanja koje su danas poznate su filtracija, adsorpcija, magnetska ekstrakcija, uklanjanje pomoću mikroorganizama, te koagulacija. Metode detekcije koje se najčešće koriste u detekciji polimera su mikroskopija, spektroskopija i spektrometrija. Kao jedno od rješenja reduciranja mikroplastike u prvom redu bila bi umjerena proizvodnja, razumna potrošnja te savjesno upravljanje plastikom.<br />It is common knowledge that plastic remains in the environment for years. Due to the action of climatic and environmental factors, its degradation occurs, during which very small plastic fragments are formed, invisible to the naked eye – microplastics. The large amounts of microplastics that the planet faces on a daily basis have called into question the sustainability of the ecosystem. The problems lie in its accumulation in the environment and its circulation through the food chain, during which it has a harmful effect on living organisms. Great efforts are being made to find the most efficient method to isolate and quantify microplastics from the environment. The extraction methods that are known today are filtration, adsorption, magnetic extraction, removal by microorganisms, adsorption and coagulation. The detection methods most often used in the detection of polymers are microscopy, spectroscopy and spectrometry. As one of the solutions to reduce microplastics, in the first place would be moderate production, reasonable consumption and conscientious management of plastic.


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