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The commentary of the chapter of the sun (ash- Shams)
- Publication Year :
- 2019
- Publisher :
- Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 2019.
- Bu çalışmayı insan iradesini merkeze alan ve zengin bir muhtevaya sahip olan Şems sûresini müstakil bir biçimde ele almak ve sûre hakkındakibirikimi ortaya koymak amacıyla yaptık. Bu çalışmada Şems sûresini Kur'ân ilimleri çerçevesinde tanıtmak ve ilave olarak muhteva bakımından açıklamayı hedefledik. Ayrıca sûrenin anlaşılmasında önemli bir yere sahip olan nefis, ilham ve tezkiye kavramlarını inceledik. Semud kavminin helak edilmesini, Tevhid inancı ve peygamberin şahsında Allah'a itaat kapsamında inceledik. Anahtar Kelimeler:Şems Sûresi, Yemin, Nefis, İlham, Semud Kavmi. This study aims to put forthan accumulation for consideration aboutthe Chapter by evaluating the Chapter of the Sun (ash- Shams) that centralizest he human will and has rich content separately. Our study includes some in formation about the Chapter within the framework of the Quranic sciences in general. The subjects that the Chapter includes were examined in the light of the interpreters' views. In our study the concepts of the human soul (nafs), inspiration (ilham) and tazkiyah which have an important place to be understood the Chaptertake a place in the light of the opinions of the interpreters, the scholars of Islamic the ology, the philosophers of Islamand the sufisseparately. An exhaustion of the tribe of Samud is dealt in a sample of the usage of the human will in a positive way. Keywords:The Sun (ash- Shams), Oath, The Human Soul (nafs), Inspiration, The tribe of Samud. 142
- Language :
- Turkish
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :