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Lithological, sedimentological and chemical characteristics of sediment pressed into aquifers due to earthquakes
- Publication Year :
- 2021
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet. Biološki odsjek., 2021.
- Tijekom potresa većih magnituda (M 6) dolazi do pojave likvefakcije, procesa pri kojem rahli slojevi pijeska zasićeni vodom kratkotrajno gube čvrstoću uslijed djelovanja seizmičkih valova uzrokovanih potresom, pri čemu dolazi do istiskivanja sedimenta prema površini. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati karakteristike sedimenta savskog aluvija istisnutog na četiri lokacije u Sisku i okolici uslijed petrinjskog potresa (29.12.2020., M6,2). Dodatni je cilj bio odrediti može li se ovaj sediment koristiti kao pozadinska vrijednost u geokemijskim analizama pri procjeni antropogenog onečišćenja. Sediment je analiziran klasičnim sedimentološkim metodama: analizom veličine zrna, udjela karbonata, faznom analizom, ispitivanjem geokemijskog sastava i mikroskopiranjem. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da bi sediment mogao poticati iz slojeva pliocenske starosti te da ga je moguće koristiti kao pozadinsku vrijednost za buduća istraživanja. During earthquakes of larger magnitudes (M 6), liquefaction occurs, a process in which loose layers of sand saturated with water lose their strength for a short period of time due to the action of seismic waves caused by the earthquake, whereby sediment is pushed towards the surface. The aim of this study was to examine the characteristics of the Sava alluvium sediment displaced at four locations in Sisak and its surroundings due to the Petrinja earthquake (29th December 2020, M6,2). An additional goal was to determine whether this sediment could be used as a background value in geochemical analyses in the assessment of anthropogenic pollution. Sediment was analysed by classical sedimentological methods: grain size analysis, carbonate content, phase analysis, geochemical composition examination and microscopy. This research has established that the sediment could originate from the Pliocene age strata and that it could be used as a background value for future research.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :