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Authors :
Balaž, Zdenko
Source :
Polytechnic and design, Volume 2, Issue 2
Publication Year :
Publisher :
University of applied sciences Zagreb, 2014.


U radu je prezentiran dio problematike u pripremljenoj Doktorskoj disertaciji autora pod naslovom: “Elektromagnetski model za izračun raspodjele struje zemljospoja”. Odabir elektromagnetskog modela za razliku od svi dosada razvijenih analitičkih i numeričkih modela poznatih autoru, je potreba da se u račun uvede cjelovita elektromagnetska sprega između svih sastavnica, koja podrazumijeva induktivnu, kapacitivnu i konduktivnu spregu. Razvijeni elektromagnetski model utemeljen je na hibridnom elektromagnetskom modelu, (kombinacija elektromagnetskog modela i modela prijenosnih vodova), zasnovanom na primjeni tehnike konačnih elemenata i numeričkom modelu koji je zasnovan na metodi potencijala čvorova. U elektroenergetskim sustavima, potrebno je uzeti u račun mnoštvo utjecajnih čimbenika kao što su: uzemljivači razmatrane transformatorske stanice, susjednih transformatorskih stanica, s transformatorima, metalni stupovi i njihovi uzemljivači s pripadnim elektroenergetskim vodovima i zaštitnim užadima, kabelski vodova s njihovim ekranima i golim vodičima položenim iznad njih i svi ostali vodljivi dijelovi. Inženjersko modeliranje za navedene svrhe koristi mnoštvo matematičkih alata, metoda i baza znanja koja ukazuju na univerzalnost primjene. U ovom odabranom dijelu prikazano je modeliranje uzemljivača metalnom pločom.<br />The paper presents a part of the problem in a prepared doctoral dissertation entitled “An electromagnetic model for computation of fault current distribution”. The choice of electromagnetic models, unlike all previously developed analytical and numerical models of famous authors, is the need to introduce a computation the complete electromagnetic coupling between all components, which includes inductive, capacitive and conductive coupling. Developed electromagnetic model is based on a hybrid electromagnetic model (a combination of the electromagnetic model and the transmission lines model), based on the application of the finite element technique and the numerical model, which is based on the method of potential nodes. In power systems, it is necessary to take into computation a multitude of factors such as grounding electrodes considered substations, other substations with transformers, metal poles and their grounding electrodes with associated power lines and earth wires, cable lines with their screens and bare conductors passed above them and all other conductive parts. The engineering modeling for the purposes specified uses a multitude of mathematical tools, methods and knowledge base indicating the universality of application. In this part is selected modeling of grounding metal plate.


Language :
24596302 and 18491995
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Polytechnic and design
Accession number :