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Association between self-assessment of oral health with risk of obstructive sleep apnea

Authors :
Trogrlić, Jure
Pavlinac Dodig, Ivana
Cigić, Livia
Medvedec Mikić, Ivana
Galić, Ivan
Publication Year :


Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti povezanost samoprocjene oralnog zdravlja s rizikom za opstrukcijsku apneju tijekom spavanja. Materijali i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 145 ispitanika (56 muškaraca) u dobi od 30 do 80 godina. Ispitivanje je provedeno pomoću OHIP-14, STOP i STOP-BANG upitnika te Epworthove ljestvice pospanosti koje su ispitanici ispunjavali Rezultati: Prema STOP upitniku ukupno je 53 (36,55 %) ispitanika, od toga 25 (44,64 %) muškaraca i 28 (31,46 %) žena imalo povišen rizik za OSA-u. Prema STOP-BANG upitniku povišen rizik za OSA-u imalo je ukupno 35 (24,14 %) ispitanika, od čega 7 (12,50 %) muškaraca i 28 (31,46 %) žena. Prema STOP upitniku, nije bilo statistički značajne razlike među spolovima u učestalosti povišenog rizika za OSA-u (P=0,109), dok je prema STOP-BANG upitniku statistički značajno više žena nego muškaraca imalo povišen rizik za OSA-u (P=0,009). Ukupan rezultat svih ispitanika prema OHIP-14 upitniku je 10,27±8,71 i statistički je značajno veći u žena nego u muškaraca (11,75±9,27 naspram 7,93±7,20, P=0,006). Ukupna dnevna pospanost mjerena na ESS je 5,59±3,71 te nije statistički značajno različita među muškarcima i ženama (5,16±3,55 naspram 5,87±3,81, P=0,260). Nema statistički značajne razlike u samoprocjeni oralnog zdravlju među skupinama sa i bez visokog rizika za OSA-u prema STOP upitniku (P=0,387), kao ni prema STOP-BANG upitniku (P=0,392). Postoji pozitivna korelacija između razine dnevne pospanosti procijenjene pomoću ESS-a i samoprocjene društvenog utjecaja oralnog stanja pomoću OHIP-14 upitnika (r=0,167, P=0,045). Zaključak: Većina ispitanika ovog istraživanja nije spadala u rizičnu skupinu za razvoj OSA-e, a povezanost rizika za OSA-u sa samoprocjenom oralnog zdravlja ispitanog OHIP-14 upitnikom je potvrđena jedino Epworthovom ljestvicom pospanosti. Od cjelokupnog uzorka ispitanika u istraživanju, žene su imale lošiju samoprocjenu oralnog zdravlja nego muškarci.<br />Objectives: The objective of this research was to investigate the association between self-assessment of oral health with risk of obstructive sleep apnea. Materials and methods: The study involved 145 participants (56 men) aged 30 to 80 years. The research was conducted using OHIP-14, STOP and STOP-BANG questionnaires, as well as the Epworth sleepiness scale. Results: According to the STOP questionnaire, there were 53 participants (36.55 %) out of which 25 men (44.64 %) and 28 women (31.46 %) with higher risk for the OSA. 35 participants (24.14 %), out of which 7 men (12.50 %) and 28 women (31.46 %) had increased risk for the OSA, according to the STOP-BANG questionnaire. The results of the STOP questionnaire did not show any significant differences between genders regarding the frequency of higher risk for OSA (P=0.109), while the STOP-BANG questionnaire showed significantly higher rate of women to have higher risk for the OSA (P=0.009). The final result of the OHIP-14 questionnaire is 10.27± 8.71 and this value is statistically higher in women than in men (11.75±9.27 to 7.93± 7.20, P=0,006). Overall daily sleepiness measured with ESS is 5.59±3.71 and is not different between genders. As the statistics of both STOP (P=0.387) and STOP-BANG (P=0.392) questionnaires show, there is also no difference in self-assessment of oral health between the group with the high risk of the OSA and the one without. There is a positive correlation between levels of daily sleepiness estimated using the ESS and self-assessment of oral health impact with the OHIP-14 questionnaire (r=0.167, P=0.045). Conclusion: The majority of study participants were not part of the group with a high risk for OSA. Furthermore, the association between risk for OSA and self-assessment of oral health examined with the OHIP-14 questionnaire is confirmed only with the Epworth sleepiness scale. Women had worse self-assessment of oral health than men.


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