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Sonda za mjerenje površinske otpornosti tekstilnih materijala

Authors :
Zrinušić, Ana
Dadić, Martin
Publication Year :


U svrhu zaštite od elektromagnetskog zračenja upotrebljavani su tekstilni materijali. Kako bi tekstil imao zaštitna svojstva prvo mora biti podvrgnut posebnim tretmanima, tj. dodaju mu se ne-tekstilni materijali ili se na površinu nanose metalni slojevi. Proučavane su konfiguracije koncentričnih prstenastih elektroda te je izrađena sonda dimenzija 2R1 = 30 mm, 2R2 = 57 mm. Zajedno sa sondom dimenzija 2R1 = 9,96 cm, 2R2 = 10,17 cm mjereni su površinski otpori tkanine s vlaknima inoksa i tkanine s bakrenim nanosom koja je podvrgnuta različitim procesima. U skladu s dimenzijama korištene sonde izračunate su odgovarajuće površinske otpornosti tu se promatrane njihove promjene. Textile materials were used for electromagnetic field shielding. In order for textiles to have protective properties, they must first be subjected to special treatments, ie non-textile materials are added to it or metal coatings are applied to the surface. The configurations of concentric ring electrodes were studied and a probe with dimensions 2R1 = 30 mm, 2R2 = 57 mm was made. Together with the probe of dimensions 2R1 = 9.96 cm, 2R2 = 10.17 cm, the surface resistances of stainless-steel fiber fabric and copper-coated fabric that were subjected to various processes were measured. In accordance with the dimensions of the probe used, the corresponding surface resistances were calculated, and their changes were observed.


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