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Production of π0 and η mesons in Cu+Au collisions at sNN=200GeV

Authors :
Aidala, C
Ajitanand, NN
Akiba, Y
Akimoto, R
Alexander, J
Alfred, M
Aoki, K
Apadula, N
Asano, H
Atomssa, ET
Awes, TC
Azmoun, B
Babintsev, V
Bagoly, A
Bai, M
Bai, X
Bannier, B
Barish, KN
Bathe, S
Baublis, V
Baumann, C
Baumgart, S
Bazilevsky, A
Beaumier, M
Belmont, R
Berdnikov, A
Berdnikov, Y
Black, D
Blau, DS
Boer, M
Bok, JS
Boyle, K
Brooks, ML
Bryslawskyj, J
Buesching, H
Bumazhnov, V
Butsyk, S
Campbell, S
Canoa Roman, V
Chen, CH
Chi, CY
Chiu, M
Choi, IJ
Choi, JB
Choi, S
Christiansen, P
Chujo, T
Cianciolo, V
Cole, BA
Connors, M
Cronin, N
Crossette, N
Csanád, M
Csörgo, T
Danley, TW
Datta, A
Daugherity, MS
David, G
Deblasio, K
Dehmelt, K
Denisov, A
Deshpande, A
Desmond, EJ
Ding, L
Do, JH
D'Orazio, L
Drapier, O
Drees, A
Drees, KA
Durham, JM
Durum, A
Engelmore, T
Enokizono, A
Esumi, S
Eyser, KO
Fadem, B
Fan, W
Feege, N
Fields, DE
Finger, M
Fleuret, F
Fokin, SL
Frantz, JE
Franz, A
Frawley, AD
Fukao, Y
Fusayasu, T
Gainey, K
Gal, C
Gallus, P
Garg, P
Garishvili, A
Garishvili, I
Ge, H
Giordano, F
Glenn, A
Gong, X
Gonin, M
Goto, Y
Source :
Physical Review C, vol 98, iss 5
Publication Year :
Publisher :
eScholarship, University of California, 2018.


Production of π0 and η mesons has been measured at midrapidity in Cu+Au collisions at sNN=200GeV. Measurements were performed in π0(η)→γγ decay channel in the 1(2)-20GeV/c transverse momentum range. A strong suppression is observed for π0 and η meson production at high transverse momentum in central Cu+Au collisions relative to the p+p results scaled by the number of nucleon-nucleon collisions. In central collisions the suppression is similar to Au+Au with comparable nuclear overlap. The η/π0 ratio measured as a function of transverse momentum is consistent with mT-scaling parametrization down to pT=2GeV/c, its asymptotic value is constant and consistent with Au+Au and p+p and does not show any significant dependence on collision centrality. Similar results were obtained in hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus collisions as well as in e+e- collisions in a range of collision energies sNN=3-1800 GeV. This suggests that the quark-gluon-plasma medium produced in Cu+Cu collisions either does not affect the jet fragmentation into light mesons or it affects the π0 and η the same way.


Database :
Journal :
Physical Review C, vol 98, iss 5
Accession number :