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Struktura i izgledi za razvoj hrvatskog tržišta mikrozelenja

Authors :
Marija Cerjak
Marija Rustan
Josip Juračak
Source :
Agroeconomia Croatica, Volume 9, Issue 1
Publication Year :


Rastuća potražnja za funkcionalnom hranom dovela je i do povećanog interesa potrošača za mikrozelenjem, odnosno mladim izdancima različitog povrća, aromatičnog bilja i žitarica. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je definirati lanac opskrbe mikrozelenjem u Hrvatskoj, istražiti motive članova opskrbnog lanca za uvođenje mikrozelenja u svoje poslovanje, kao i ispitati mogućnosti razvoja ovog tržišta. Provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje uz pomoć polustrukturiranih intervjua s 11 članova lanca opskrbe: 4 proizvođača, 5 trgovaca i 2 restorana. Iako je ponuda mikrozelenja relativno mala na domaćem tržištu, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se koriste različiti kanali za njegovu prodaju: restorani, supermarketi, trgovine zdrave hrane, gradske tržnice, sajmovi i prodaja na gospodarstvu. Glavni motivi pokretanja proizvodnje su dodatni prihod, relativno jednostavna proizvodna tehnologija i želja za inovativnošću u poslovanju. Trgovci na malo uveli su mikrozelenje u svoj asortiman zbog potražnje potrošača i zbog visokih hranjivih vrijednosti mikrozelenja. Restorani su unijeli mikrozelenje u svoje jelovnike slijedeći trendove moderne kuhinje. U skoroj budućnosti očekuje se značajan porast potrošnje mikrozelenja, što će dovesti i do povećanja ponude u smislu količina i asortimana. Međutim, jedna od glavnih prepreka budućem rastu tržišta jeste slaba informiranost potrošača o mikrozelenju.<br />The growing demand for functional foods has led to the increased consumer interest in micro-greens, i.e. seedlings of edible vegetables, aromatic herbs and cereals. The aim of this research was to define the microgreens supply chain in Croatia, to investigate the motives of the supply chain members for introducing microgreens into their business, as well as to explore development possibilities of this market. Qualitative research was conducted using semi-structured interviews with 11 chain members: 4 manufacturers, 5 retailers and 2 restaurants. Although the supply of microgreens is relatively small in the domestic market, microgreens are sold through different selling channels: restaurants, supermarkets, health food stores, city markets, fairs and farm sales. The main motives for introduction of microgreens by producers are additional income, undemanding production technology and the desire for innovation. Traders have introduced microgreens into their offer because of consumer demand and the recognized high nutritional value of microgreens. Restaurants started to offer microgreens following modern cuisine trends. In the near future, a significant increase in the consumption of microgreens is expected, which will also increase quantity and assortment of supply. However, one of the major obstacles to future market growth is poor consumer awareness of microgreens.


Language :
13332422 and 18491146
Database :
Journal :
Agroeconomia Croatica, Volume 9, Issue 1
Accession number :