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Economic viability of apple production according to the »zero residual level IPS-0,0 RL« system

Authors :
Tkalec, Štefan
Rozman, Črtomir
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V letu 2008 so bili narejeni štirje poskusi na lokacijah: UKC FKBV Maribor pri sorti Jonagold, Sadjarstvu Mirosan pri sorti Elstar, Sadjarstvu Blanca pri sorti Idared ter v Sadjarskem centru Gačnik pri sorti Zlati delišes, kjer so izvedli sistem običajne integrirane pridelave sadja (OIPS) in "zero residue level IPS-0,0 RL". Glavna razlika med obema sistemoma pridelave je bila samo v sestavi škropilnega programa za zatiranje bolezni in škodljivcev. Namen diplomskega dela je analiza ekonomske upravičenosti pridelave sadja po sistemu "0,0 RL" v primerjavi z običajno integrirano pridelavo. Analiza je bila izdelana z metodo modelnih kalkulacij, za katere smo uporabili konkretne podatke iz poskusa. Rezultati ekonomske analize kažejo, da je pridelava sadja po sistemu "0,0 RL" ekonomsko upravičena. In 2008, four tests were carried out at the following locations: UKC-FKBV Maribor for the apple variety Jonagold, the fruit growing plant Sadjarstvo Mirosan for the apple variety Elstar, the fruit growing plant Sadjarstvo Blanca for the apple variety Idared, and the fruit growing plant Sadjarski center Gačnik for the apple variety Zlati delišes, where the system of integrated fruit production (IFP) and the »zero residue level IPS-0,0 RL« system were carried out. The main difference between the two systems of fruit production is the structure of the spraying program for the extermination of diseases and pests. The goal of my diploma paper was to analyze the economic viability of fruit production according to the “0,0 RL” system in comparison with regular integrated production. The analysis is based on the method of model calculations by means of specific data from the tests. The results of the economical analysis show that the fruit production according to the “0,0 RL” system is economically viable.


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