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Germination of fiber flex (Linum usitatissimum L.) seed primed with 3-ethoxycarbonyl and 3-methoxycarbonyl coumarin derivatives

Authors :
Šunić, Ana
Agić, Dejan
Rastija, Vesna
Varga, Ivana
Publication Year :


Lan je jednogodišnja biljka iz porodice Linaceae, pripada rodu Linum koji broji preko 200 vrsta od kojih se neke uzgajaju kao ukrasne dok se za proizvodnju vlakna koristi predivi lan (Linum usitatissimum L.). Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj predsjetvenog tretmana 3-etoksikarbonil i 3-metoksikarbonil derivata kumarina na klijavost sjemena predivog lana. Predtretman sjemena izvršen je močenjem sjemena u vodi, 2 % vodenoj otopini dimetilsulfoksida, 1,0 mM otopinama 3-etoksikarbonil i 3-metoksikarbonil derivata kumarina tijekom 15 minuta. Sjeme predivog lana potom je naklijavano 7 dana nakon čega su izmjereni klijavost, masa, dužina korjenčića, stabljičice i ukupna dužina klijanca. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ispitivani 3-etoksikarbonil i 3-metoksikarbonil derivati kumarina pokazuju značajan utjecaj samo na klijavost sjemena predivog lana dok na ostale parametre nisu značajno utjecali. Najveće vrijednosti za sve ispitivane parametre utvrđene su za klijance predivog lana predtretiranog 1.0 mM etil 6-bromo-2-okso-2H-kromen-3-karboksilatom. Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da se ispitani derivati kumarina mogu koristiti kao mogući predtretman za zaštitu sjemena predivog lana bez značajnog nepovoljnog utjecaja na rani rast i razvoj klijanaca<br />Flax is an annual plant from the family Linaceae, belonging to the genus Linum, which has over 200 species, some of which are grown for decorative purposes, while fiber flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is used for fiber production. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pre-sowing treatment of 3-ethoxycarbonyl and 3-methoxycarbonyl coumarin derivatives on germination of flax seeds. Seed priming was performed by soaking the seeds in water, 2% dimethyl sulfoxide, 1.0 mM solutions of 3-ethoxycarbonyl and 3-methoxycarbonyl coumarin derivatives for 15 minutes. The flax seeds were then germinated for 7 days after which germination, weight, root length, stems and total seedling length were measured. The study showed that the tested 3-ethoxycarbonyl and 3-methoxycarbonyl derivatives of coumarin show a significant effect only on the germination of flax seeds, while other parameters were not significantly affected. The highest values for all tested parameters were found for flax seedlings pretreated with 1.0 mM ethyl 6-bromo-2-oxo-2Hchromene-3-carboxylate. According to the tained results, it can be concluded that the tested coumarin derivatives can be used as a possible pre-treatment for the protection of flax seeds without a significant adverse effect on early growth and development of seedlings.


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