Structure of the endosomal Commander complex linked to Ritscher-Schinzel syndrome
Michael D. Healy, et al. “Structure of the Endosomal Commander Complex Linked to Ritscher-Schinzel Syndrome.” Cell, vol. 186, May 2023, p. 2219–2237.e29. EBSCOhost,
Michael D. Healy, Kerrie E. McNally, Rebeka Butkovič, Molly Chilton, Kohji Kato, Joanna Sacharz, Calum McConville, Edmund R.R. Moody, Shrestha Shaw, Vicente J. Planelles-Herrero, Sathish K.N. Yadav, Jennifer Ross, Ufuk Borucu, Catherine S. Palmer, Kai-En Chen, Tristan I. Croll, Ryan J. Hall, Nikeisha J. Caruana, Rajesh Ghai, … Peter J. Cullen. (2023). Structure of the endosomal Commander complex linked to Ritscher-Schinzel syndrome. Cell, 186, 2219–2237.e29.
Michael D. Healy, Kerrie E. McNally, Rebeka Butkovič, Molly Chilton, Kohji Kato, Joanna Sacharz, Calum McConville, et al. 2023. “Structure of the Endosomal Commander Complex Linked to Ritscher-Schinzel Syndrome.” Cell 186 (May): 2219–2237.e29. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2023.04.003.