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Cixius (Ceratocixius) superremotus Picciau, Hoch, Asche, Tedeschi & Alma, 2016, sp. nov

Authors :
Picciau, Luca
Hoch, Hannelore
Asche, Manfred
Tedeschi, Rosemarie
Alma, Alberto
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2016.


Cixius (Ceratocixius) superremotus, sp. nov. (Figs 34 –41, 46) Type material. Holotype, 1 ♂: Lebanon, Meeyane, Jbeil (Byblos), 600m, 28.X. 1984, plaques, H. Abdul-Nour leg. (R 14 _ 15) MFN Berlin. Paratype, ♂: 1, Lebanon, Jurd Aaqoura, Jbeil (Byblos), Alt. 2000m, 29 /V/ 2005, H. Abdul-Nour leg. DISAFA– Entomology. Description. Moderately large cixiid. Head. Vertex short, about 2.49 times wide as its length in the middle, distinctly separated from frons by two strongly ridged transverse carinae. Frons rather flat and widest just below the antennae level, about 1.29 times wider than medially high, lateral and median carina ridged. Clypeus longer than frons, with weakly carinated lateral margins continuing those ones of frons without interruption, strongly marked, raised median carina of postclypeus and proximal part of anteclypeus. Compound eyes and three ocelli present and well developed. Thorax. Pronotum short, about 0.8 times the length of the vertex, almost smooth, posterior margin rather right-angled. Mesonotum nearly planate, hollowed towards the posterior tip, clearly tricarinate, in midline about 10.8 times the length of pronotum. Tegulae well developed, tegmina long, profusely exceeding the tip of abdomen, wings well developed. Measurements. Body length: 6.46mm; maximum body width 1.54mm; length of vertex: 0.17mm; width of vertex: 0.43mm; width of head: 1.18mm; length of pronotum: 0.14mm; width of pronotum: 1.33mm; length of mesonotum: 1.57mm; width of mesonotum: 1.27mm; length of fore wings: 5.71mm; width of fore wings: 1.79mm; vertex ratio (length/width): 0.40; pronotum ratio: 0.11; mesonotum ratio: 1.23; fore wing ratio: 3.20. Colouration. Forebody dark brownish, head mainly blackish with brown carinae, pronotum pale brown, mesonotum reddish-blackish with brownish median carina and external margin. Abdomen black. Tegmina transparent with whitish veins. Male genitalia (Figs 34–41). Genital segment about 1.3 times higher than wide. Anal segment about 3 times longer than wide, distal portion bent ventrally, laterodistal margins slightly asymmetric. Parameres moderately long, narrow in basal half, then gradually expanding in a ear-shaped distal lobe. Aedeagus basal part (shaft) slightly compressed, slender; ventrally near base one minute, rigid spine directed ventrally, left margin forming almost at basal half a curved projection directed laterally; dorsal side almost plane. Shaft apically with two movable spinose processes: left lateral one strongly curved, curly, directed ventrally, crossing beneath the ventral keeled margin; right lateral one slightly curved, in repose directed to the left. Distal part of aedeagus (velum) curved, bearing a spine at the tip, in repose reflected basally. Females unknown. Etymology. The specific name is due to the curly overdeveloped left spinose process compared to the equivalent one of Cixius remotus. Distribution and ecology. The two known specimens were collected from two different localities Meeyane and Jurd Aaqoura in the district of Jbeil.


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