The Life Goals Self-Management Mobile App for Bipolar Disorder: Consumer Feasibility, Usability, and Acceptability Study (Preprint)
Kelly A Ryan, et al. The Life Goals Self-Management Mobile App for Bipolar Disorder: Consumer Feasibility, Usability, and Acceptability Study (Preprint). July 2021. EBSCOhost,
Kelly A Ryan, Shawna N Smith, Anastasia K Yocum, Isabel Carley, Celeste Liebrecht, Bethany Navis, Erica Vest, Holli Bertram, Melvin G McInnis, & Amy M Kilbourne. (2021). The Life Goals Self-Management Mobile App for Bipolar Disorder: Consumer Feasibility, Usability, and Acceptability Study (Preprint).
Kelly A Ryan, Shawna N Smith, Anastasia K Yocum, Isabel Carley, Celeste Liebrecht, Bethany Navis, Erica Vest, Holli Bertram, Melvin G McInnis, and Amy M Kilbourne. 2021. “The Life Goals Self-Management Mobile App for Bipolar Disorder: Consumer Feasibility, Usability, and Acceptability Study (Preprint),” July. doi:10.2196/preprints.32450.