P-026 Mild coagulopathy is associated with worse outcomes following stroke thrombectomy
H Chen, et al. “P-026 Mild Coagulopathy Is Associated with Worse Outcomes Following Stroke Thrombectomy.” SNIS 19th Annual Meeting Oral Poster Abstracts, July 2022. EBSCOhost,
H Chen, G Ahmad, M Colasurdo, K Yarbrough, C Schrier, M Phipps, C Cronin, P Mehndiratta, J Cole, M Wozniak, T Miller, D Gandhi, G Jindal, & S Chaturvedi. (2022). P-026 Mild coagulopathy is associated with worse outcomes following stroke thrombectomy. SNIS 19th Annual Meeting Oral Poster Abstracts.
H Chen, G Ahmad, M Colasurdo, K Yarbrough, C Schrier, M Phipps, C Cronin, et al. 2022. “P-026 Mild Coagulopathy Is Associated with Worse Outcomes Following Stroke Thrombectomy.” SNIS 19th Annual Meeting Oral Poster Abstracts, July. doi:10.1136/neurintsurg-2022-snis.98.